summer skincare routine

The summer season has started. In India the season starts generally from March to June. When we hear the word summer only one thing comes to mind is during which the temperatures soar high and the weather is dry. It’s that time of the year when skin problems like sunburns, heat rashes and acne start surfacing. The skin requires some extra protection and pampering, which is why it is important to follow a summer skincare routine that should primarily include sun protection and hydration.

Summer skincare routine 

summer skincare routine

In summer, it is essential to protect our skin from rashes,sunburns,tanning,acne,etc. Starting a proper summer skincare routine is no easy feat. The store aisles are daunting, the social media tips and tricks are conflicting and the summer skincare product reviews are endless. Not to mention that everyone has different skin types, formula preferences, schedules and lifestyles. While there is no one right way to take care of your skin, we spoke with top dermatologists (the pros who really know) to help you figure out where to start and what to keep in mind while building the best routine for your skin. It is for all types of skin to take care of with a summer skincare routine at home.

As the summer approaches, the environment becomes humid. This is when our skin sebaceous glands start producing sebum. This sebum production in the skin leads to stickiness, clogged pores, acne, etc. You might have seen that in summers everybody's common skin woe is acne. This is all associated with sebum People with oily skin have a hard time during summers. When sebum gets mixed with sweat, greasy skin is bound to happen.

That is why we must take care of our skin. Let us have a look at some of the summer skincare tips and routines that we can follow.

1. Cleanser:

Face cleansing should be the first step in any skincare routine, as it clears away impurities and excess oil that can clog pores and dull skin. But be gentle: “Many people cleanse too often or use a cleanser that’s overly harsh, which will actually break down your skin’s protective barrier, you need only two think
1 Aloe vera gel
2 Fennel (saunf) powder
Add 1 tbs aloe vera gel and ½ tbs fennel(saunf)powder mix it well. It changes in liquid form. It is ready to apply on your face, leave it for 15 min then massage in circular motion then wash it, to cleansing your face used twice in a day.

2. Moisturizer:
The most basic function of a moisturizer is to hydrate and soften the skin. “Essentially, moisturizers assist in preventing water loss through the outer layers of skin.” “They can also complement the naturally found protective oils and other building blocks within the skin, such as ceramides.” This is one product that doctors recommend using year-round, for all skin types. “Skin naturally loses the ability to retain moisture as we age,and daily activities, such as washing, can strip natural hydrators from the surface.”
1 Drink lots of water
2 Baby cream
Lots of water to hydrate your body and apply baby cream at home to moisturise skin. When you go out you should have to apply sunscreen to protect your skin with UV rays.

3 Face masks for summer:

Face masks are an essential part of a skincare routine as they provide a deep cleanse, nourish, and rejuvenate the skin. They can help remove impurities, calm imitation, hydrate, brighten, and exfoliate the skin, depending on the type of mask used.
1 Fennel (saunf) powder and yogurt/curd
2 mint leaf and aloe vera gel
Add 1tbs fennel (saunf) powder and 2 tbs yogurt, mix it and apply for 15 to 20 minutes then wash with normal water. 2- make a mint leaf paste, take 1 tbs and add 1 tbs aloe vera gel mix it will apply for 15 to 20 minutes then wash it with normal water.

Take care of your skin with a simple summer skincare routine at home.

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